What better way to celebrate a birthday than on a horse?
All birthday parties are two hours long and include riding time, pool time, and time to eat. Decorations and food are not included, but there are tables that you are welcome to use to set up your party.

What activities are offered during the birthday parties?
Every child will get the opportunity to ride, along with the family of the birthday child (pictures galore!). They will have the opportunity to swim in the pool, weather permitting, and a picnic table will be provided for food and decorations.
What is the pricing for birthday parties?
All birthday parties are $250. This includes riding time, pool time, and the picnic table for up to 10 riders (not including family members). For every extra child, an additional $25 is added. Food and decorations are not included. Each party is roughly two hours long, but we understand it will take time to set up before hand and clean up afterwards. Time spent setting/cleaning up is not added to the total cost.
What horse will my child ride at the birthday party?
Which horse the children will ride depends on their age, comfort level, and previous experience. The safety of the children always comes first, and every rider is supervised not only by the parents but also by capable staff to ensure safety along with the fun.
What should I, as a guest, bring to a birthday party at Thorberchon Farm?
If the child has a helmet they are comfortable wearing, we strongly encourage them to bring it, although helmets are available to borrow if needed. Close toed shoes are a must if the child plans to ride, but they do not have to be riding boots. Long pants may make the child more comfortable in the saddle and prevent pinching, but they are also not required and do not need to be riding pants. A water bottle, complete with the child’s name, sunscreen/bug spray, and, of course, a bathing suit and towel are also all must-haves.
How do I book a birthday party at Thorberchon Farm?
The best way to schedule a birthday party is to contact us through our Facebook page, linked below. If Facebook is not an option, text and email are available as well.